To Honor our Veterans
Tomorrow is the official holiday to honor our Veterans.
I post this today to honor my husband - an Air Force Viet Nam Veteran. I honor him for his time in the service of our nation during an unpopular war. I honor him for doing his duty, for standing when he was asked to do so. I honor him for traveling home in civilian attire because he was told to for his own protection because in that time and day he might have been spat upon (spitting should be a criminal offense punishable by death - okay only if it's on or at another human), beat up, harrassed and called a baby killer for serving his nation.
I honor a friend of ours, Rod "the M&M man", another Viet Nam Vet who was told when he was in D.C. with another serviceman (and I apologize to him for forgetting his branch of service) in that ugly time to leave a restaurant because the owner was fearful for his property as there were so many protesters in the city at the time.
I honor my son Troy, recently redployed from his second tour in Iraq. I honor him for being my hero - for doing what was hard and lonely and acting with honor and strength in OIF 1 & 4.
This generation of military men & women are volunteers, every one. Oh what moron (you know the one - the rich, pickle fortune marrying cowardly liar who claims his own 'veteranship' when it serves his purpose) calls men and women stupid whn they volunteer to serve their nation. These volunteers may not all be the brightest bulbs in the fixture, yet they all shine. And the many are intelligent and honorable soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. The vast majority of them serve with honor, with courage, discipline, intelligence, compassion and let me reiterate - honor.
That one word - honor - may be precisely what the aforementioned moron (aka Kerry) can never understand, never appreciate, never even begin to comprehend or SEE its very existence. You see, you must have it within you yourself in order to see it in another, in order to even know what it is, and I don't believe honor or integrity are in the makeup of that individual nor is it in the makeup of many of the politicians we have in office today.
God bless and keep all of our military -- men, women, all branches, all MOSs - who served with honor and integrity. All who suffered fear, discomfort, lack, and carried on anyway. All who did what they were asked to do to stand for freedom, to stand for America, to protect the interests of a great nation. Thank you. Thank you to the families, who also serve. Thank you to those wounded and worn. Thank you to those who made the ultimate sacrifice -- dying for my freedom. I understand now, after 2 deployments in an increasingly "unpopular" war, how much is at stake every single moment of every single day.
Thank you.
I post this today to honor my husband - an Air Force Viet Nam Veteran. I honor him for his time in the service of our nation during an unpopular war. I honor him for doing his duty, for standing when he was asked to do so. I honor him for traveling home in civilian attire because he was told to for his own protection because in that time and day he might have been spat upon (spitting should be a criminal offense punishable by death - okay only if it's on or at another human), beat up, harrassed and called a baby killer for serving his nation.
I honor a friend of ours, Rod "the M&M man", another Viet Nam Vet who was told when he was in D.C. with another serviceman (and I apologize to him for forgetting his branch of service) in that ugly time to leave a restaurant because the owner was fearful for his property as there were so many protesters in the city at the time.
I honor my son Troy, recently redployed from his second tour in Iraq. I honor him for being my hero - for doing what was hard and lonely and acting with honor and strength in OIF 1 & 4.
This generation of military men & women are volunteers, every one. Oh what moron (you know the one - the rich, pickle fortune marrying cowardly liar who claims his own 'veteranship' when it serves his purpose) calls men and women stupid whn they volunteer to serve their nation. These volunteers may not all be the brightest bulbs in the fixture, yet they all shine. And the many are intelligent and honorable soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. The vast majority of them serve with honor, with courage, discipline, intelligence, compassion and let me reiterate - honor.
That one word - honor - may be precisely what the aforementioned moron (aka Kerry) can never understand, never appreciate, never even begin to comprehend or SEE its very existence. You see, you must have it within you yourself in order to see it in another, in order to even know what it is, and I don't believe honor or integrity are in the makeup of that individual nor is it in the makeup of many of the politicians we have in office today.
God bless and keep all of our military -- men, women, all branches, all MOSs - who served with honor and integrity. All who suffered fear, discomfort, lack, and carried on anyway. All who did what they were asked to do to stand for freedom, to stand for America, to protect the interests of a great nation. Thank you. Thank you to the families, who also serve. Thank you to those wounded and worn. Thank you to those who made the ultimate sacrifice -- dying for my freedom. I understand now, after 2 deployments in an increasingly "unpopular" war, how much is at stake every single moment of every single day.
Thank you.