Thursday, October 19, 2006

Coming soon to a home near you...

I know I haven't blogged in for a bit so I'll have to play catch-up a bit!! First of all - check out tgslTakoma's blog - ( for her October 18 posting. I'm thinking Takoma that, indeed it's got to be the Crimson Tide leanings!! Just kidding - my husband's a Gator!!

We had a fabulous get- together in my home to celebrate my son's return from Iraq. Quite the family gathering and both sides of the family were well represented! Both of my sisters, their spouses and 3 of the 4 nephews made it for my DNA group. Dad's gene pool was represented by dad, mom #3 (Sorry, Marilyn - "mama P" -- the mother of Troy's best friend since they were 3 years old -- was really his other mother first), the 'Don' of the family - who is both great-uncle and godfather to both my boys, his oldest daughter (who is really quite gorgeous and a sweet, dear person), Grandma C, and uncle Frank. The beauteous Maria (sweet girl friend) and, of course, "mama P" and group were there. Troy introduces his buddy Andrew as "my brother from another mother" - they have been pals for 22 years now!!!!

We all had a good time and were all delighted to have such reason to celebrate. Troy commented in his "speech" to the effect "okay, I'll admit that enlisting was the worst decision I could have made."

Before the lunatic fringe goes off let me say right here and now - what a load of mularkey that is!!! I must add, here are the reasons why:
1> He served his country -- for 2 deployments to a harsh, bitter land (my description) he stood where he was asked to stand, he did what he was asked to do. This was a hard thing, a difficult thing, a dangerous thing. He comported himself with honor and stood.
2> The military was good for him. Does he currently have some resentments for time lost form his "real life" - yeah. Big deal, he'll get over it. He is whole and healthy and there stands a man where there had stood a boy.
3> There are such atrocious, ridiculous anti-American tirades all around - MSM, the UN, politicians - yes, unfortunately they seem to be mostly Democrats, "celebrities", etc. that it has to get these young returning combat veterans off center - and still, they are mostly good guys (and girls) who upon leaving the military just want to get on with their lives.
4> Now that he has been through the military experience - where he got many new and useful skill sets - he is ready to go to school where before he was so ready to never under any circumstance consider such a thing before.
5> When you fight for freedom anywhere, you fight for freedom everywhere. That IS what he did in Iraq. Maybe some of the things were silly, stupid things on their own - (okay, remove the maybe from the commentary) - nonetheless he went and fought for freedom and that matters. He did something that matters.
And why did I say "unfortunately they seem to be mostly Democrats" in point 3 above? I am a registered Democrat. I am so appalled at what BOTH parties are blaming each other for and yet - oh my - the Democratic party has gone anti-American, anti-military, anti-God. They have gone out of their individual and collective mind(s)!!!! Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, the deservedly despicable (in my opinion) John Kerry, Jack Murtha, Ted Kennedy, and oh I'll be unpopular with a certain crowd for saying this name - Hillary Clinton - these represent who exactly? NOT ME!!! I know the war is losing popular ground, if you will - does it also need to lead to the actual destruction of our nation and our way of life? Absolutely, if these nut-jobs have their way - which they seem to be doing. Looks to me like I'll be voting mostly Republican this ballot!! If only I could personally vote out those aforementioned - yes, I know Howard Dean is only head of the DNC-you follow my thinking, stop being difficult - and maybe send them to Gitmo for a tour of duty - both as guards and then a tour as prisoners without their entourages, without their yea-saying go-fers, without their beloved TV cameras, and especially without all their privileges, their celebrity which they adore and which they cling to with an addiction and a desire to continue for their lifetime that I believe cannot be broken. There are more, of course, and certainly the so-called celebrities of the entertainment world should also be mentioned with disdain, resentment, and despair for the simple STUPID which they wield and the complete unawareness of how abolutely stupid, ignorant, self-serving, and self-promoting they are.
Okay - better sto before I go off on a REAL diatribe!!
More to follow sooner than later!!


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