Saturday, February 03, 2007

holding pattern for blogging

It's been a while since I've posted. Partially I haven't posted because I really do have to step over laundry and weapons to get to my computer - what, you thought I was kidding??? There are more reasons than that one, however. Mostly I have not WANTED to post. I have not wanted to feel the feelings and let them out. I haven't wanted to cry.

And I am happy, mind you. I really am. I have so much for which to be grateful. My son is home safe - and whole. This also kind of engenders some feelings of guilt for that but I know it is a normal feeling to be both joyful and to feel a bit of guilt so - I'm okay with that. I have good health, my marriage is good, my family members are all healthy, I KNOW that I am so blessed. I am grateful for and happy with all of these things and many, many more.

And this old world - oh man. How can I keep from crying? When I see so many sorrowful and deadly things going on in the world, all of them deserving of, each of them calling out for tears to be wept for them.
So, I will hold off for a little while more to really post. I have to find a balance and not be so vulnerable to just bursting into absolute sobbing when I think too long (and that can be just a nano-second!) about our beautiful GIs and their situations. I can do no one any good if I am a blubbering mess!!!
Keeping all our GIs in my prayers - and their loved ones, who also serve.


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